The Chinese Lunar New Year : Door Gods and Firecrackers

The Chinese have over the centuries, developed a belief system and symbols for warding off evil. Various methods continue, even now, to be used to prevent bad spirits from entering one’s home or workplace. During the Tang dynasty (618-907) posters of door gods were among the more popular methods of seeking protection. These traditional posters were pasted onto the double door entrance way of homes. Each Lunar New Year, the old ones were removed and fresh door god posters took their place. The famous legend about Tang dynasty Emperor T’ai Tsung is one among many of how these famous door gods came into existence.

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This Article was published in the Magazine “Centered on Taipei” Issue of December 2022 – January 2023 (Vol.22 | 04)
Pages 26 and 27, Text : Sue Babcock, Images : Web.

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